Hello, world!

My name is Jordi Damwichers. I am a Groningen (Netherlands) based freelance web developer who also enjoys circus, fine wines & family holidays.

You can email me if you want to get in touch.

About me

I am an independent 'end to end' web developer. That is to say I can help you from your first idea to your end product: I do it all. Every step is taken together and in agreement with you. Your project would include any, or all, of the following:

  1. Analysis
  2. Sketching
  3. Prototyping
  4. Developing
  5. Launch
  6. Maintenance
My weapons of choice are pen & paper, photoshop, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL and Javascript. Oh, and I ♥ open source. WordPress & Jekyll are my best friends ;)


2008 - till date

End to end web developer


Helping clients build their online businesses. Typical projects include concept realisation, design, development and maintenance.

2014 - till date

Part-time WordPress developer


Assisting my colleagues over at Reconcept integrating WordPress in a few of their projects.


Computer programming teacher

DHC (Elementary) School

I have taught 10-year old children the very basics of computer programming in 6 lessons of one hour each.


2006 - 2009

Fine Arts

Minerva Art Academy

Bachelor of Fine Arts

I have my degree in Fine Arts.

2000 - 2004

Information science

University of Groningen

No degree

I have picked up my love for programming and web development when I studied information science at the University of Groningen.

2000 - 2001

English language and culture

University of Groningen

No degree

I studied English language and culture at the University of Groningen.